Documents  CRAFT Ann | enregistrements trouvés : 9


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- 84 p.
Cote : V 08.2 THI

In May 1988 the Family Planning Association Education Unit and the British Institute of Mental Handicap jointly sponsored a conference on sexual abuse and people with learning difficulties. There is enormous concern around this area and the event was heavily oversubscribed.

Déficience mentale ; Abus sexuel

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vol. 1 - 18 p.
Cote : V 08.5 HIV 1

Brochure informative sur les MST à destination des personnes atteintes de déficience mentale.

IST ; VIH ; Sida ; Déficience mentale ; Handicap mental ; Campagne d'information

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vol. 2 - 8 p.
Cote : V 08.5 HIV 2

Brochure informative sur les MST à destination des parents de personnes atteintes de déficience mentale.

IST ; VIH ; Sida ; Déficience mentale ; Handicap mental ; Campagne d'information ; Parent

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vol. 3 - 20 p.
Cote : V 08.5 HIV 3

Brochure informative sur les MST à destination des parents de personnes atteintes de déficience mentale.

IST ; VIH ; Sida ; Déficience mentale ; Handicap mental ; Campagne d'information ; Professionnel ; Milieu institutionnel

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- 277

Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities explores the sexual behaviour of people with learning difficulties and addresses issues of concern such as sexual abuse, HIV and AIDS, service provision for those from ethnic minorities, the development of policy guidelines and the implementation of such guidelines in this intensely personal area. Ann Craft draws upon professional expertise from a broad range of backgrounds including social work, psychology, and medicine. She offers practical ideas and suggestions for service responses which acknowledge and respect the right of people with learning disabilities to express their sexuality in ways that are valued by other members of their society.
Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities will be of interest to all whose work or relationship brings them into contact with people with learning disabilities - professionals, carers, parents, advocates. It will be invaluable to social workers, practitioners in social work and health, trainees, training officers and voluntary organizations.
Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities explores the sexual behaviour of people with learning difficulties and addresses issues of concern such as sexual abuse, HIV and AIDS, service provision for those from ethnic minorities, the development of policy guidelines and the implementation of such guidelines in this intensely personal area. Ann Craft draws upon professional expertise from a broad range of backgrounds including social ...

Relation sexuelle ; Sexualité ; Parent ; Education sexuelle ; Déficience mentale ; Abus sexuel ; Santé sexuelle ; Sida ; Parentalité

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- 50

"The Nottinghamshire Sex Education for Students with Severe Learning Difficulties Project started in September 1988. This two-year research programme was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Fund and had as its aim the development of sex education material for students with severe learning difficulties, aged 14 ans over. (...) Throughout the two years, each of the establishments represented in the project worked with the parents of their students in their own way. We decided that it would be helpful to gather those experiences together to share with others.
An item in the Project Newsletter invited contributions on the theme of parental involvement in sex education from other teachers, tutors and staff in services for people with severe learning difficulties. This Handbook is the result of that invitation. (...)"
"The Nottinghamshire Sex Education for Students with Severe Learning Difficulties Project started in September 1988. This two-year research programme was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Fund and had as its aim the development of sex education material for students with severe learning difficulties, aged 14 ans over. (...) Throughout the two years, each of the establishments represented in the project worked with the parents of their students in ...

Education ; Parent ; EVRAS ; Handicap mental ; Vie affective ; Vie sexuelle

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- 68 p.
Cote : V 08.2 WOR

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2 y

Cote : V 01 PIC

Picture Yourself est une ressource d'enseignement flexible conçue pour les jeunes et les adultes avec déficience intellectuelle qui participent à des programmes sur les compétences de vie et les relations personnelles. Quatre jeux de cartes contiennent des dessins et des photographies qui peuvent servir à explorer le développement personnel de la petite enfance à la vieillesse, les comportements publics et privés appropriés, les rôles sexuels, les émotions, l'hygiène personnelle, la sécurité personnelle, les choix et les conséquences. Contient des images très graphiques.
Picture Yourself est une ressource d'enseignement flexible conçue pour les jeunes et les adultes avec déficience intellectuelle qui participent à des programmes sur les compétences de vie et les relations personnelles. Quatre jeux de cartes contiennent des dessins et des photographies qui peuvent servir à explorer le développement personnel de la petite enfance à la vieillesse, les comportements publics et privés appropriés, les rôles sexuels, ...

Outil EVRAS ; EVRAS ; Handicap mental ; Déficience mentale ; Comportement de groupe ; Comportement sexuel ; Comportement sexuel inapproprié ; Emotion ; Hygiène corporelle ; Handicap et sexualité

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