Documents  CAMBRIDGE Paul | enregistrements trouvés : 5


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- 186 p.
Cote : V 08.5 HIV

The aim of this book is to provide essential reference material for people working in the field of HIV and learning disability. For this reason it has a clear practice bias, drawing on the experience of successful services and practitioners already working in the field in innovative ways. Best practice does not exist in a vacuum however, therefore some chapters include analyses of relevant management and organisation issues. By providing an assessment of competence in responding an assessment of competence in respondinf to HIV in learning disability the book should help people respond more effectively, not only to the challenge of HIV but also to sexuality more widely. For instance, safer sex education should be an integral part of work in sexuality and sex education, an adress issues of power, control, exploitation and abuse.
The aim of this book is to provide essential reference material for people working in the field of HIV and learning disability. For this reason it has a clear practice bias, drawing on the experience of successful services and practitioners already working in the field in innovative ways. Best practice does not exist in a vacuum however, therefore some chapters include analyses of relevant management and organisation issues. By providing an ...

IST ; Education sexuelle ; Promotion de la santé ; Déficience mentale sévère ; Déficience mentale

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vol. 1 - 18 p.
Cote : V 08.5 HIV 1

Brochure informative sur les MST à destination des personnes atteintes de déficience mentale.

IST ; VIH ; Sida ; Déficience mentale ; Handicap mental ; Campagne d'information

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vol. 2 - 8 p.
Cote : V 08.5 HIV 2

Brochure informative sur les MST à destination des parents de personnes atteintes de déficience mentale.

IST ; VIH ; Sida ; Déficience mentale ; Handicap mental ; Campagne d'information ; Parent

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vol. 3 - 20 p.
Cote : V 08.5 HIV 3

Brochure informative sur les MST à destination des parents de personnes atteintes de déficience mentale.

IST ; VIH ; Sida ; Déficience mentale ; Handicap mental ; Campagne d'information ; Professionnel ; Milieu institutionnel

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"This book seeks to promote the sexual rights of people with learning disabilities. It does this by drawing together knowledge and experience in relation to the sexuality of people with learning disabilities and sexuality more widely. It considers how services can work to promote and safeguard these rights and the responsibilities which accompany them."

Déficience mentale ; Sexualité ; Santé sexuelle ; Droit ; Loi ; Abus sexuel ; Relation soignant-soigné ; Education sexuelle ; Sida ; Vie privée ; Contraception

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