Documents  LA VECK Gerald D. | enregistrements trouvés : 1


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In recent years authorities have recognized that the mentally retarded have a right to sexual expression, but the legal, psychological, and biological implications of this right continue to be ignored, and fear and misinformation abound. In this book, experts from many fields explore all this is known and all that should be known about the sexuality of the retarded. Among the topics they examine are the physical and psychological factors in retardates' sexual activity, the effects of institutionalization on sexuality, the role of sex education, and the arguments over contraception, sterilization, marriage, and parenthood. Difficult questions regarding the rights of the retarded are also considered, as well as how retardates will be affected by society's evolving sexual concepts.
In recent years authorities have recognized that the mentally retarded have a right to sexual expression, but the legal, psychological, and biological implications of this right continue to be ignored, and fear and misinformation abound. In this book, experts from many fields explore all this is known and all that should be known about the sexuality of the retarded. Among the topics they examine are the physical and psychological factors in ...

Déficience mentale ; Education sexuelle ; Développement sexuel ; Aspect biologique ; Institution ; Mariage

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