Parental Involvement in the Sex Education of Students with severe learning difficulties

CRAFT Ann (Auteur) ; CROMBY John (Auteur)

The Departement of Mental Handicap



Education ; Parent ; EVRAS ; Handicap mental ; Vie affective ; Vie sexuelle

"The Nottinghamshire Sex Education for Students with Severe Learning Difficulties Project started in September 1988. This two-year research programme was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Fund and had as its aim the development of sex education material for students with severe learning difficulties, aged 14 ans over. (...) Throughout the two years, each of the establishments represented in the project worked with the parents of their students in their own way. We decided that it would be helpful to gather those experiences together to share with others.
An item in the Project Newsletter invited contributions on the theme of parental involvement in sex education from other teachers, tutors and staff in services for people with severe learning difficulties. This Handbook is the result of that invitation. (...)"

Lieu d'édition : Nottingham

Langue : Anglais

Localisation : Centre de Ressources Handicaps et Sexualités

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